Challenge Anneka
Channel 5, 2023
One of Britain’s best-loved TV formats, Challenge Anneka, is back with a new home on Channel 5.
Throughout this brand new series, Anneka and her team of volunteers will be tackling some epic new challenges, responding to the new set of problems that people are facing.
The series will shine the light on everyday heroes and deserving communities at a time when they’ve never needed help more. Across the series the team will meet a wide range of inspirational people who will help Anneka move heaven and earth to achieve these challenges.
True to form we’ll see Anneka pulling up at secret locations to meet the individuals at the heart of the challenge and be briefed on the task at hand. With a mountain to climb, her trusty mobile, buggy, lorry and Dave the Soundman in tow – Anneka will be calling in big favours from big brands, big names and big groups of volunteers all keen to lend a hand.
30 years on from the original series the challenges of course will be new and reflect Britain in 2022, but at its heart the series will still be about incredible people who really want to make a difference to the world they live in.
Challenge Anneka is a co-pro with Krempelwood.