Make Me Prime Minister
Channel 4, 2022
The series follows 12 ordinary, yet opinionated,Brits with views across the political spectrum on the campaign trail. They areput through their paces in a series of prime ministerial style challengesdesigned to test their leadership skills, resilience, and integrity. All underthe scrutiny of two political heavyweights; Alastair Campbell and Baroness SayeedaWarsi, who know exactly what it takes to succeed in office.
In order to keep their campaign hopes alive andmake it through the weekly vote, each candidate will need to persuade andconvince former politicians, experienced journalists and most importantly thepublic, that they have the charisma, vision, and political acumen tolead.
Across the series the candidates will be whittleddown until just one secures victory to be crowned Channel 4’s Alternative PrimeMinister.